Gwyneth and her newborn Scottish Highland bull calf. |
The calf's mother -- Gwyneth -- picked a much better day to calve. Last year while she was at another farm, Gwyneth had a calf during an ice storm and the calf froze to death only a few feet outside the barn. The farmer we bought her from figured that she would be the first of our three cows to give birth.
We noticed the day before that the cow's teats were swollen. Sherry also noticed some mucous coming from the cow. But the cow's udder didn't look full enough, Chris thought. But obviously these beef cattle are not like dairy cows and the udder was big enough.
The calf is quite sturdy and looks like he's been washed and blow-dried! That's because the mother was quite thorough licking the calf -- a natural and essential function -- which makes him look fuzzy.
We expect one other cow to give birth this spring and suspect that the other cow -- who had a bull calf last June -- did not get bred. It will be fun watching the little guy grow up.